Increased bargaining power with Social Credit Repair
A credit score is a numerical synopsis of your credit record that lenders use to predict the likelihood that you will repay any loans made to you. Credit scores range from 300 (poor) to 850 (excellent) (excellent). Higher Credit Scores reflect consistently good credit histories, such as on-time payments, low credit use, and long credit history. Lower scores indicate that borrowers may be risky investments due to late payments or excessive credit use. There are no exact cutoffs for good or bad grades, but there are guidelines for both. Most lenders consider scores above 720 to be ideal, while scores below 630 are considered problematic. Consumers are becoming more aware of how improving their credit scores can enhance their financial outlook, as evidenced by Homonoff's study. She discovered that when people would be aware of their fix Your Credit Score , their purchasing behaviour improved dramatically. "Many people thought those who had a great score, but they were wrong,...