There are three options for getting late payments off your credit report.

There seem to be three tried-and-true methods for removing late payments from your Credit Report : Ask the original creditor for a "Goodwill Adjustment." The concept is straightforward, and it works surprisingly well. If your prior payment history is generally excellent and you have created a solid connection with the creditor, creditors are sometimes willing to offer "goodwill adjustments." This is arguably the simplest and most reliable method of removing a late payment from your credit record. The procedure is to draft a letter to the creditors explaining your position (why you were late) and requesting that they "forgive" the late payment and correct your credit record. Using this goodwill/forgiveness letter format that I made is the simplest way to get started. If you have a lot of late payments, this strategy might not work for you. 2. Negotiate Removal by Offering to Sign Up for Automatic Payments I've never used this strategy personally, bu...